This list shows local companies offering Sedan Limousine, Luxury limousine, Stretch Limousine (Limo), Minivan, Minibus and Vintage/classic car - with a driver from the area of Dettighofen, Germany
Currently we have 64 partner companies in Dettighofen, 18 are reliable for your needs.
In Dettighofen the following vehicle categories are still available:
Your partner for Limousine and Sprinter. High-end chauffeur service for business, events & VIPs- from luxury limousines to 16-seater VIP Sprinters. Reliable, global, tailor-made
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Luxury limousine, Minivan, Minibus, SUV
Registered partner
PRTravel GmbH Limousinen und Minibus Service
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Minivan, Minibus, SUV